Saturday, March 20, 2010

An Important Announcement

As a general rule, we take Bulls front office press releases with a grain of salt.

On the other hand they do, from time to time, make an announcement of true significance; an announcement likely to be one of deep and long-lasting importance; an announcement likely to have a profound effect on our appreciation of the Durham Bulls and baseball in general.

To quote from the release:

Carolina Brewery and the Durham Bulls today announced the creation of Bullpen Pale Ale, a new beer that will be available at Durham Bulls Athletic Park, Carolina Brewery’s restaurants and other Triangle locations beginning this spring.

We will assume that this is a variant on their Carolina Pale Ale or Carolina India Pale. In either case fine, fine brews.

How important is this?

In the larger scheme of things, maybe not all that important. In the smaller scheme of things …

Amber waves of grain indeed.

1 comment:

  1. Also, Fullsteam Brewery (a new place near the DAP that hopefully will be open in a few months) debuted their El Toro Cream Ale at 3rd Friday yesterday. From what I have heard from the guys at the brewery, it is being brewed specifically for Bulls games.
